Returning to work – adjusting the workplace for employees with disabilities
The Commercial Rent (Coronavirus) Bill
Covid-19: Business continuity and risk management: part 2
This the second part of a two-part blog about business continuity plans (BCP) and the changing risk landscape. Read part one here. Why have a BCP? The whole point of a well-planned BCP is so that a business can continue its operations during an incident or disaster, hopefully uninterrupted. Or if the business is disrupted, then the BCP should help to minimise the issues and keep the arteries of the business functions flowing. Key contacts will need to be calm and work methodically in any crisis and communication will be…
Can I still create or amend a Will during lockdown?
Creating a new Will, or amending an existing Will is one of the hot topics during the Covid-19 lockdown, and it is very important that everyone makes the decision to ensure that their Will is up to date. But how do you create a new Will, or amend an existing Will during lockdown? The requirements for creating and amending Wills are contained in legislation that dates back nearly 200 years, to the Wills Act 1837. This Act requires that in order for a Will to be valid it must be…
Covid-19: Business continuity and risk management: part 1
"Since 2001, in my varied role at the firm, I have helped the partners to manage the risks of compliance and operations. Business continuity is always there at the back of your mind, but Covid-19 has been a game-changer in risk terms . . .", commented David Downham, Practice Director and Risk Manager at Bowling & Co. Let's start with some background on risk management and planning. Business continuity is a key phrase often quoted whenever a business, large or small, contemplates updating or testing their disaster recovery plan -…
Covid-19: Help with your mortgage
During these unprecedented times, many homeowners and buy to let landlords will have a fear of what will happen with their home or investment property if they cannot continue to make mortgage payments. Unlike the provisions to protect residential and commercial tenants from eviction, mortgage holidays from UK lenders are (as things stand) not enforced by law. The policy adopted by most lenders is the consequence of an agreement between the government and principle lenders, but, this scheme is voluntary and does not have to be supported by a lender…
Covid-19: Funding support flowchart
Website content note: This is not legal advice; it is intended to provide information of general interest about current legal and funding issues. If you would like any more information in relation to the flowchart then please feel free to contact either Tony Chauhan ( profile ) on 07341-569117 or email at: or contact Mohammed Akram ( profile) on 07908-170337 or email:
Law society report 30% increase in demand for Wills
NHS workers fighting Covid-19 on the front line, together with the elderly and vulnerable, lie behind a huge spike in demand for will writing over recent weeks, according to the professional body for solicitors. The Law Society says many firms have reported a 30% increase, as a result of worries about the coronavirus pandemic, but the lockdown and self-isolation are creating new challenges in getting the wills drafted and signed while still complying with legal requirements. There has been a surge in people looking to set up powers of attorney…