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Jargon busting – wills

You have decided to make your will. You’ve met with your solicitor, discussed your needs and received advice. You then receive your will to review, but find it contains words you may not fully understand. Let’s look at some of those terms and remove any doubt or confusion about their meaning. Why is jargon used in wills? Legal terms are used in formal documents to ensure clarity. A will is a formal document. The terms used form a kind of shorthand to save lengthy explanations or repetition throughout the document.…

Changes to Companies House Fees: Understanding the Impact.

It has been announced that effective 1st May 2024, Companies House, the United Kingdom's registrar of companies, has made significant changes to its fee structure. These changes are aimed at modernizing the services offered by Companies House and ensuring the sustainability of its operations. While some fees will increase, others will decrease or remain unchanged. Let's investigate the details and understand how these changes might affect businesses. Some fees are going up: Filing Fees: The cost of filing certain documents, like company accounts online, will increase. This could affect businesses,…

Commercial Landlords: Understanding Your Responsibilities

As a commercial landlord, it can often feel like you're navigating a maze of obligations and responsibilities. From ensuring the safety of the premises to managing the terms of your lease agreements, it's a line of work that requires careful attention to detail. Knowing exactly what your buildings are being used for by tenants is an important part of this. In this guide, we look at some of the key points that you must be aware of as a commercial landlord. Understanding Your Obligations as a Commercial Landlord As a…

A Comprehensive Guide to Purchasing a House Without Viewing in the UK

Purchasing a House Without Viewing in the UK: A Comprehensive Guide

Owning a property is a significant milestone, and the process usually involves a great deal of planning and research. However, in some cases, you may find yourself considering purchasing a house without viewing it first. While this may seem daunting, it is a practice that is becoming increasingly common, especially in today's digital age. This article will provide you with an extensive guide on how to navigate this process, highlighting the potential risks and strategies to mitigate them, and ensuring you make an informed decision. Understanding Sight Unseen Purchases When…

Common myths about inheritance tax planning

Inheritance tax planning is a crucial aspect of financial management, yet it is often shrouded in misconceptions and myths. As the New Year begins, it's an opportune time to debunk these common misunderstandings and shed light on the realities of effective inheritance tax planning.
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