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Jargon busting – wills

You have decided to make your will. You’ve met with your solicitor, discussed your needs and received advice. You then receive your will to review, but find it contains words you may not fully understand. Let’s look at some of those terms and remove any doubt or confusion about their meaning. Why is jargon used in wills? Legal terms are used in formal documents to ensure clarity. A will is a formal document. The terms used form a kind of shorthand to save lengthy explanations or repetition throughout the document.…

Landlords learning how to navigate the Mental Health Breathing Space

Private residential landlords are being challenged to keep pace with current legislation and a scheme to support tenants through debt is one of the latest, demanding a detailed understanding. The Debt Respite Scheme, introduced in 2020, introduced a so-called ‘breathing space’ for tenants trying to manage debt, including those experiencing a mental health crisis. The scheme was designed to offer a lifeline to tenants struggling with debt and while the scheme can seem a challenge for landlords facing arrears, understanding its implications is key to navigating the situation effectively. The…

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