Landlords learning how to navigate the Mental Health Breathing Space
Bowling & Co Support London Legal Walk 2024
The team at Bowling & Co were delighted to take part in the 20th Anniversary London Legal Walk earlier this month. They raised over £1000 for this worthwhile cause and all enjoyed the experience. Our team was made up of Leah, Kimberley, Rosa, Merve, Tony, Mert, Harry, Zafrin, Farasat, Sanem and Rohan. The team walked with the Lady Chief Justice and thousands of lawyers to raise funds for the London Legal Support Trust (LLST). Over the last 20 years, by walking together for justice, an incredible £10.5 million as been raised, helping…
Commercial Landlords: Understanding Your Responsibilities
Directors should make a diary date for filing deadlines
A £165m reminder to directors on the importance of getting accounts filed on time has been flagged in the latest report from Companies House, the body responsible for the UK's register of limited companies. The statistics from Companies House show that 98.5% of accounts were filed on time, but the 1.5% that missed their deadline resulted in 323,643 penalties being levied with a total value of £164.7m. The average penalty was £509 but almost £80m was raised by 80,000 ‘double penalties’, charged when companies file their accounts late for two…
Changes to Companies House Fees: Understanding the Impact.
New transparency rules to keep companies squeaky clean
Company directors, people with significant control of a company, or anyone who files on behalf of a company, must ensure they comply with new transparency rules from March 2024. Greater scrutiny of information lies at the heart of the new legislation, which is designed to plug potential loopholes that may have been exploited for the purposes of economic crime. It strengthens the powers of law enforcement agencies, makes it easier to prosecute corporates for certain financial crimes, and introduces a new offence of ‘failure to prevent fraud’ for larger organisations.…
When flipping taxes may trip up property developers
Property market commentators are divided on whether 2024 will see a further dip in house prices, while buyers play “wait and see” on the mortgage market. Meantime, many starter property developers are once more being drawn into the sector, with the lure of fast profits to be made while the market is slow. There are lots of advice available on making money from property, there is caution to be taken on the tax bills that investors may encounter if they are successful in building a portfolio or ‘flipping’ property by…