Time to talk about workplace mental wellbeing
Time to Talk Day on Thursday 6th February 2020 is an opportunity for employers to review policy and culture against best practice in employee mental wellbeing Workplace mental wellbeing is a top concern among employers, according to European-wide research1. According to the World Health Organization, lost productivity due to mental illness costs Europe US$140 billion per year. In the UK, workplace mental illness is estimated to cost 2% of GDP and the latest statistics from the Health & Safety Executive (HSE) show that work-related stress, depression or anxiety now represents…
Workforce wellbeing must include mental health awareness
Understanding of mental health issues is high on the agenda, thanks to the involvement of the younger members of the Royal family in the Heads Together awareness campaign which has seen the #oktosay hashtag trending. Their activity gave an extra boost to this month’s Mental Health Awareness Week, but now the annual campaign is over, employers have an important role to play in making sure the message isn’t forgotten. By having strategies that focus on mental health as part of employee wellbeing, businesses can help drive individual support, as well…