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back to school covid-19 guidance

Back to school: coronavirus rules, measures, and restrictions in schools

With pupils returning to school, and many coronavirus restrictions now lifted, we understand that both parents and pupils will have questions about what to expect. In this article, we look at the rules around wearing masks, self-isolating, and testing in relation to school pupils. Will children need to self-isolate if they are in contact with a pupil who has tested positive? The rules changed on 16th August with children aged under 18 no longer required to self-isolate if they have come into close contact with a person who has tested…

Divorce and the rights of grandparents

Divorce and grandparents’ rights

When a couple makes the decision to divorce, the breakdown of the relationship can have far-reaching consequences. Unfortunately, grandparents of any children of the relationship can suffer and even be prevented from seeing their grandchildren as often as they would like. However, there are certain actions grandparents can take to secure child arrangements with their grandchildren and in this article, we look at some of the solutions to a very sensitive legal problem. Do grandparents have any legal rights? Under UK law, grandparents do not have an automatic right through…

Covid-19 vaccine - What if my partner objects to our child being vaccinated

COVID-19 vaccine: What if my partner objects to our child being vaccinated?

With the COVID-19 vaccine being quickly rolled out across the UK, there are concerns among some about the long-term impact and side effects of the vaccine. As a result, some are reluctant to get the vaccine themselves or let their children be vaccinated. The law in the UK allows parents to decide whether their children should be vaccinated, but what happens when parents or those with parental responsibility disagree? In this article, we look at what happens if one parent objects to a child being vaccinated. What happens when parents…

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