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Brexit: An update

It’s the end of May, we’ve got less than a year before the UK officially starts the transition to leave the EU, and the waters are as muddy as ever. Although a great deal of progress was made over the last couple of months, there are still some sticking points that need to be sorted out before the Brexit Bus can get back on the road. First off is the key point that UK (and European) businesses will be concerned about – trade agreements. There were rumblings that Parliament would…

Unmarried couples need to protect themselves

A landmark victory in the Supreme Court has seen a Northern Ireland woman win a share of her former partner’s pension, with commentators saying it’s likely to add impetus to the drive for greater rights for unmarried couples.  But, in the meantime, cohabitees should face up and formalise arrangements, rather than keeping their fingers crossed.   The victory of Denise Brewster involved her claim for a survivor’s pension after her long-term, live-in partner Lenny McMullan died suddenly, shortly after they had become engaged.  He had paid into Northern Ireland’s local…

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