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Statutory legacy for partners raised to £270,000

The government has kept its promise to update intestacy rules every five years – albeit three months after its deadline passed. The change increases the statutory legacy for partners of people who die intestate from £250,000 to £270,000. The statutory legacy was last changed in October 2014 when it was set at £250,000 under provisions in the Inheritance and Trustees’ Powers Act 2014. The figure is meant to be updated every five years. A statutory instrument setting out the increase – which is in line with the consumer price index…

Court fees set for rise on 9 March 2015

The Government has decided that as from 9 March 2015 there is to be an increase in fees for issuing Court proceedings with a value of £10,000 or more. Whilst there have been increases in Court fees over the recent years, this new increase reflects a substantial and significant increase and may prove to be prohibitive for Claimants. The figures on money claims As from 9 March 2015, money claims with a value which exceeds £10,000 but which do not exceed £200,000 will have an issue fee of 5% of…

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