Making sure the work environment is safe
Winter has slammed into the UK with a vengeance this year, with record snowfalls and Arctic winds blasting the length of Britain. It can be difficult enough trying to get through hazardous weather conditions to reach work on time, but what if when you get there the office is only marginally warmer than the outside temperature? Here’s a quick guide to your employer’s obligations when it comes to creating and maintaining a safe working environment during cold weather. The legal requirements Despite what a lot of people think, there is…
Lasting power of Attorney
A Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) is a way of giving someone that you trust the legal authority to make decisions on your behalf if you lack mental capacity or if you no longer wish to make decisions for yourself. There are two types of LPA, for financial decisions and for health and welfare decisions. The criteria for someone wishing to make an LPA for both types of LPAs are quite straightforward, they must be any person aged 18 or over and the person wishing to make an LPA must…
Lasting Powers of Attorney and why you need one
With an ageing population in England and Wales, mental capacity is increasingly becoming an issue for a wide range of families. Mental capacity is a legal concept which defines a person's ability to make a specific decision or to do a particular act. If a person loses capacity, safeguards need to be put in place to cater for the eventuality. What are the safeguards? Preparing Lasting Powers of Attorney The answer is: preparing Lasting Powers of Attorney, whilst one still has capacity, in anticipation of the possibility that at some…