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Partner Profile: Andrew Lester

Andrew Lester photo

In the second of our Partner Profile series we speak to Andrew Lester, Head of Employment Law here at Bowling & Co, to find out a bit more about him and the clients he acts for.

1. What aspects of law first attracted you to the industry?

The arguments and having to present these arguments in court. I also enjoy the other sectors of the legal industry and using my knowledge in these areas to complement employment advice I give to my clients.

2. What kind of clients do you work with?

Mostly large companies and Small Medium Enterprises.

3. Tell us about surprising thing you’ve learned about working in the legal sector so far?

The number of small and medium sized employers who don’t take on advice regarding their employment matters in order to save on costs which often comes back to haunt them, with awards and pay outs in the Tribunal.

4. Who (or what) inspires you?

My grandfather, he was also a solicitor which inspired me to get into the legal world of work and to follow in his footsteps.

5. Name one of your favourite places in the world.

Cornwall, Southwest of England.

6. How would others describe you in three words?

Bright, humorous and caring.

Missed the first in our Partner Profile series? We spoke to Peter Laskey and found out how others would describe him in three words.

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