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Statutory legacy for partners raised to £270,000

The government has kept its promise to update intestacy rules every five years – albeit three months after its deadline passed. The change increases the statutory legacy for partners of people who die intestate from £250,000 to £270,000. The statutory legacy was last changed in October 2014 when it was set at £250,000 under provisions in the Inheritance and Trustees’ Powers Act 2014. The figure is meant to be updated every five years. A statutory instrument setting out the increase – which is in line with the consumer price index…

Can I leave assets to a child in my Will?

Clients tend to leave money under their Will for children or grandchildren. However, especially where the children are very young or the sums are large, we are often asked how this works in practice. Wills can be structured to prevent children from accessing large amounts of money at too young an age, whilst still ensuring that living expenses and education costs can be met. When should a child inherit? The answer to this will depend greatly in each personal situation. The ages and personalities of the children, asset values, and…

Powers and Duties of Executors and Trustees

Unless the powers of executors and trustees are extended or varied by the will, the powers are limited to those given by statute. The main statutory powers are set out here under: Section 3 of the Trustee Act 2000 (the Act) gives a general power to invest in anything other than land. Section 4(1) provides that when exercising any power of investment trustees must take into account the statutory investment criteria which are: The suitability to the trust of investments of the type proposed and of that particular investment as…

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