Safeguarding is vital when appointing others to act
Financial abuse of vulnerable people by those acting on their behalf is on the rise, with investigations into the actions of appointed attorneys soaring to a record high. With the continuing rise in dementia and a population that is living longer, these figures show how important it is that people understand how to act under a power of attorney, and the need for safeguarding and professional input to the process. A Power of Attorney is a document by which someone - known as the donor - gives another person –…
Lasting Powers of Attorney and why you need one
With an ageing population in England and Wales, mental capacity is increasingly becoming an issue for a wide range of families. Mental capacity is a legal concept which defines a person's ability to make a specific decision or to do a particular act. If a person loses capacity, safeguards need to be put in place to cater for the eventuality. What are the safeguards? Preparing Lasting Powers of Attorney The answer is: preparing Lasting Powers of Attorney, whilst one still has capacity, in anticipation of the possibility that at some…